Beautiful weather and good river levels has kept the freshwater fishing prime for another week. Make a plan to get out this weekend and fish!

Spawning colors are on the way!
Pink salmon keep streaming in and the run is way above what was expected. It is good to see that some salmon have been thriving out in the Pacific! Montana Creek is loaded as is Cowee Creek and Fish Creek. A lot of the pinks are still bright so go give them a shot as soon as you can.
The chum run overall isn't huge, but Montana and Cowee both have chum spread throughout them. And Sheep Creek is loaded as usual. If you want to tie into a big salmon these are all good locations to hit.
Dolly Varden continue to roam the streams looking for eggs. Mottled Peach Roe in 8mm was the winner last week. If you would prefer to fish flies then Honey Holes and Battle Creeks will both get you into some Dollies. Cutthroat trout are also around but they prefer to keep the salmon at arm's length, so look for lakes, ponds and stretches of creeks that are not loaded with salmon. The Salt Chuck at Peterson Creek is a good cutthroat spot if you want to fish your 3 or 4 weight rod. UV Mini Leeches in Pink and Mini Gurglers in Flame are excellent cutt flies. Crush those barbs before you fish for them!
On to coho. There are good numbers being caught out in the saltwater by the trollers and it won't be long until they are within range of shore anglers. With that in mind, we are stoked to announce our 6th Annual First Coho on the Road System Contest!
If you get into a coho, be sure to snap a photo and shoot it on over to us. The contest starts Friday July 30th and in past years the first coho has been landed in the first week of August.
Enjoy the weekend and we'll see you out there. Good luck!